Our clients
What is the Club Distinction?

This is a dedicated team of fifty (50) professionals using sophisticated recruitment mechanisms, fast and discreet. In fact, we act as headhunters to recruit singles exceptions only. This quick and confidential concept is mostly used by doctors, lawyers, businessmen, profile people or other professionals who have the means to be effective. Our approach is personalized and confidential, complete discretion is assured. We come to your home (or wherever you like) to profile your search criteria, you have NOTHING to do, the service is turnkey in a full optimization, to which people adhere to excellence. We guarantee a presentation within 24hrs of your registration. Click here and someone will answer your questions quickly.
How Club Distinction recruits its members?

Among our many optimized search engines, here is an example: Our Cherry Picking system. It aims to target wealthy clients via a privilege discount card within the next conductive rubber of your vehicle. Do not be surprised if one day you see that map, your car has been identified among our potentially high-end customer list. It is also possible that an agent calls you directly face to face by telling you this: – Hello, we have reason to believe you would do most of our customers exceptions. Take the time to go to our site, I will be happy to answer your questions! Many other ways exist to recruit our professionals, including campaigns with professional associations newspapers, online tablets, web banners placement, all very focused. But our best advertising remains our happy customers who refer us their friends who are also quality, that is a feather flock together. This is the secret of our success!